The prject manager told me via email on Thursday that they had just poured my garage floor, basement floor and stairs that morning, so the concrete is actually about two days old at this point but I didn't have time to get out there during daylight hours until today. And of course, it wasraining, but the project manager also told me that the lumber is due to be delivered on the 11th (just 3 days!) and I didn't want to miss the opportunity to take pictures while the house is in this phase.
Doesn't it just look so pretty?! And yes, these pictures were all taken in the rain...
I'm standing in the doorway, at the bottom of the basement steps. I didn't go in though because I was leaving a trail of muddy footprints. The builder probably already knows that I'm walking around the house, and the rain probably would wash the trail away,but I was getting soaked, so I was trying to make it quick.
The infamous sump pump. I took this while standing on the garage floor, looking down.
If you look closely, you can see my muddy footprint trail on the stairs. Also, I'm not sure if I should be worried that water that has clearly come into contact with dirt has found it's way to that corner of the basement. Then again, I just don't know if there was dirt down on the floor before it started to rain.

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